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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Barry Venison 16th August, 1964 no1 image Consett Footballer
Barry Venison 16th August, 1964 no1 image Consett, Durham, England, UK Actor
Matt Lukin 16th August, 1964 no1 image Aberdeen, Washington, USA Actor
John Louis Fischer 16th August, 1963 no1 image Rockville Center, New York, USA Actor
Steve Carell 16th August, 1963 no1 image Concord, Massachusetts, USA Actor
Phil Moore 16th August, 1961 no1 image Orlando, Florida, USA Actor
Urara Takano 16th August, 1961 no1 image Chiba, Japan Actress
Timothy Hutton 16th August, 1960 no1 image Malibu, California, USA Actor
Laura Innes 16th August, 1959 no1 image Pontiac, Michigan, USA Actress
Madonna Ciccone 16th August, 1958 no1 image Bay City, Michigan Singer
Angela Bassett 16th August, 1958 no1 image New York, New York, USA Actress
Jeff Perry 16th August, 1955 no1 image Highland Park, Illinois, USA Actor
James Cameron 16th August, 1954 no1 image Canada Director
Reginald VelJohnson 16th August, 1952 no1 image Raleigh, North Carolina, USA Actor
Robert Morrow 16th August, 1952 no1 image Montréal, Québec, Canada Actor
Barry Hay 16th August, 1948 no1 image Fyzabad, India Composer
Dick Murdoch 16th August, 1947 no1 image Waxahachie, Texas, USA Actor
Jim Brochu 16th August, 1946 no1 image New York, New York, USA Actor
Bob Balaban 16th August, 1945 no1 image Chicago, Illinois, USA Actor
Suzanne Farrell 16th August, 1945 no1 image Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Actress