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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Kevin Ayers 16th August, 1944 no1 image Herne Bay, Kent, England, UK Actor
James Hunter 16th August, 1943 no1 image London, England, UK Actor
George Eastman 16th August, 1942 no1 image Genoa, Liguria, Italy Actor
John Challis 16th August, 1942 no1 image Bristol, England, UK Actor
Bruce Beresford 16th August, 1940 no1 image Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Director
Trevor McDonald 16th August, 1939 Trinidad, West Indies Actor
Lorraine Gary 16th August, 1937 New York, New York, USA Actress
Donnie Dunagan 16th August, 1934 San Antonio, Texas, USA Actor
Pierre Richard 16th August, 1934 Paris, France Actor
Bunta Sugawara 16th August, 1933 Miyagi, Japan Actor
Julie Newmar 16th August, 1933 Los Angeles, California, USA Actress
Robert Culp 16th August, 1930 Oakland, California, USA Actor
Frank Gifford 16th August, 1930 Santa Monica, California, USA Actor
Wyatt Tee Walker 16th August, 1929 Brockton, Massachusetts, USA Actor
Bill Evans 16th August, 1929 Plainfield, New Jersey, USA Writer
Ann Blyth 16th August, 1928 Mount Kisco, New York, USA Actress
Anthony Price 16th August, 1928 Hertfordshire, UK Writer
Mal Waldron 16th August, 1926 New York City, New York, USA Composer
Norman Wexler 16th August, 1926 New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA Writer
Fess Parker 16th August, 1924 Fort Worth, Texas, USA Actor