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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
P. Ramlee 22nd March, 1929 Penang, Malaysia Actor
Lionel G. Wilson 22nd March, 1924 New York City, New York, USA Actor
Bill Wendell 22nd March, 1924 New York, New York, USA Actor
Marcel Marceau 22nd March, 1923 Strasbourg, France Actor
Nino Manfredi 22nd March, 1921 Castro dei Volsci, Frosinone, Lazio, Italy Actor
Werner Klemperer 22nd March, 1920 Cologne, North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Actor
Ross Martin 22nd March, 1920 Grodek, Poland Actor
Robert Carroll 22nd March, 1918 North Carolina, USA Actor
Virginia Grey 22nd March, 1917 Los Angeles, California, USA Actress
Paul Rogers 22nd March, 1917 Plympton, Devon, England, UK Actor
Tom McCall 22nd March, 1913 Egypt, Massachusetts, USA Actor
James Westerfield 22nd March, 1913 Nashville, Tennessee, USA Actor
Wilfrid Brambell 22nd March, 1912 Dublin, Ireland Actor
Karl Malden 22nd March, 1912 Gary, Indiana, USA Actor
Nicholas Monsarrat 22nd March, 1910 Liverpool, England, UK Writer
Louis L'Amour 22nd March, 1908 Jamestown, North Dakota, USA Writer
Roger Blin 22nd March, 1907 Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France Actor
Grigori Kozintsev 22nd March, 1905 Kiev, Ukraine, Russian Empire (now Kiiv, Ukraine) Director
Walter Taylor 22nd March, 1904 Utah, USA Actor
Jochen Klepper 22nd March, 1903 Beuthen an der Oder, Lower Silesia, Germany [now Bytom Odrzanski, Poland] Writer