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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Goran Bregovic 22nd March, 1950 no1 image Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Composer
Masami Horiuchi 22nd March, 1950 no1 image Tokyo, Japan Actor
Mary Tamm 22nd March, 1950 no1 image Dewsbury, Yorkshire, England, UK Actress
John Toshack 22nd March, 1949 no1 image Cardiff Footballer
Fanny Ardant 22nd March, 1949 no1 image Saumur, Maine-et-Loire, France Actress
James Patterson 22nd March, 1947 no1 image Newburgh, New York, USA Writer
Harry Vanda 22nd March, 1946 no1 image The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands Composer
Jorge Ben 22nd March, 1945 no1 image Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Composer
Jeremy Clyde 22nd March, 1941 no1 image Dorney, Buckinghamshire, England, UK Actor
Billy Collins 22nd March, 1941 no1 image New York City, New York, USA Actor
Bruno Ganz 22nd March, 1941 no1 image Zürich-Seebach, Switzerland Actor
Haing S. Ngor 22nd March, 1940 Samrong Young, Cambodia Actor
Angelo Badalamenti 22nd March, 1937 New York, New York, USA Composer
Peter Vogel 22nd March, 1937 Munich, Germany Actor
Mieczyslaw Janowski 22nd March, 1935 Warsaw, Poland Actor
Orrin G. Hatch 22nd March, 1934 Homestead Park, Pennsylvania, USA Composer
Mark Dinning 22nd March, 1933 Drury, Oklahoma Singer
May Britt 22nd March, 1933 Lidingö, Stockholms län, Sweden Actress
William Shatner 22nd March, 1931 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Actor
Leslie Thomas 22nd March, 1931 London, England, UK Writer