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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Annie Fratellini 14th November, 1932 Algeria Actress
Michael Robbins 14th November, 1930 London, England, UK Actor
Jimmy Piersall 14th November, 1929 Waterbury, Connecticut, USA Writer
McLean Stevenson 14th November, 1929 Normal, Illinois, USA Actor
Fernando Torres 14th November, 1929 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Actor
Leonie Rysanek 14th November, 1926 Vienna, Austria Actress
Brian Keith 14th November, 1921 Bayonne, New Jersey, USA Actor
Johnny Desmond 14th November, 1920 Detroit, Michigan, USA Actor
Veronica Lake 14th November, 1919 Brooklyn, New York, USA Actress
Lisa Otto 14th November, 1919 Dresden, Germany Singer
Sherwood Schwartz 14th November, 1916 Passaic, New Jersey, USA Writer
George Silver 14th November, 1916 London, England, UK Actor
Ken Carson 14th November, 1914 Coalgate, Oklahoma, USA Actor
Peggy Cartwright 14th November, 1912 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Actress
Åke Jensen 14th November, 1912 Karlstad, Värmlands län, Sweden Actor
Rosemary DeCamp 14th November, 1910 Prescott, Arizona, USA Actress
Astrid Lindgren 14th November, 1907 Vimmerby, Kalmar län, Sweden Writer
William Steig 14th November, 1907 Brooklyn, New York, USA Writer
Louise Brooks 14th November, 1906 Cherryvale, Kansas, USA Actress
Dick Powell 14th November, 1904 Mountain View, Arkansas, USA Actor