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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Bulle Ogier 9th August, 1939 Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France Actress
Clint Ritchie 9th August, 1938 Grafton, North Dakota, USA Actor
Otto Rehhagel 9th August, 1938 Essen, Germany Actor
Dick Anthony Williams 9th August, 1938 Chicago, Illinois, USA Actor
Zoran Rankic 9th August, 1935 Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina Actor
Merle Kilgore 9th August, 1934 Chickasha, Oklahoma, USA Composer
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi 9th August, 1933 Tokyo, Japan Actress
Albert Quixall 9th August, 1933 Sheffield Footballer
Bob Cousy 9th August, 1928 New York, New York, USA Actor
Daniel Keyes 9th August, 1927 Brooklyn, New York, USA Writer
Robert Shaw 9th August, 1927 Westhoughton, Lancashire, England, UK Actor
Bill Henderson 9th August, 1926 Chicago, Illinois, USA Actor
Enzo Biagi 9th August, 1920 Pianaccio, Bologna, Italy Writer
Allen 'Farina' Hoskins 9th August, 1920 Boston, Massachusetts, USA Actor
Robert Aldrich 9th August, 1918 Cranston, Rhode Island, USA Director
Tove Jansson 9th August, 1914 Helsinki, Finland Writer
Joe Mercer 9th August, 1914 Ellesmere Port, Cheshire Footballer
Dorothy Jordan 9th August, 1906 Clarksville, Tennessee, USA Actress
Pierre Klossowski 9th August, 1905 Paris, France Writer
Leo Genn 9th August, 1905 London, England, UK Actor