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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Roland Orzabal 22nd August, 1961 no1 image Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, UK Composer
Debbi Peterson 22nd August, 1961 no1 image Los Angeles, California, USA Singer
Collin Raye 22nd August, 1960 no1 image Dequeen, Arkansas, USA Actor
Colm Feore 22nd August, 1958 no1 image Boston, Massachusetts, USA Actor
Lane Huffman 22nd August, 1958 no1 image Dallas, Texas, USA Actor
Steve Davis 22nd August, 1957 no1 image Plumstead, London, England, UK Actor
Paolo Rossi 22nd August, 1956 no1 image Prato, Italy Actor
Paul Molitor 22nd August, 1956 no1 image St. Paul, Minnesota, USA Actor
Chiranjeevi 22nd August, 1955 no1 image Narasapur, Andhra Pradesh, India Actor
Éva Szoboszlay 22nd August, 1953 no1 image Budapest, Hungary Actress
Evelyn Thomas 22nd August, 1953 no1 image Singer
Cindy Williams 22nd August, 1947 no1 image Van Nuys, California, USA Actress
Tamori 22nd August, 1945 no1 image Fukuoka, Japan Actor
David Chase 22nd August, 1945 no1 image Mount Vernon, New York, USA Writer
Kathy Lennon 22nd August, 1942 no1 image Los Angeles, California, USA Actress
Valerie Harper 22nd August, 1940 no1 image Suffern, New York, USA Actress
Norman Schwarzkopf 22nd August, 1934 Trenton, New Jersey, USA Actor
Sylva Koscina 22nd August, 1933 Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia (now Zagreb, Croatia) Actress
Ladislav Fialka 22nd August, 1931 Prague Actor
Maurice Gee 22nd August, 1931 Whakatane, New Zealand Writer