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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Sandy Duncan 20th February, 1946 no1 image Henderson, Texas, USA Actress
Andrew Bergman 20th February, 1945 no1 image Queens, New York, New York, USA Writer
Brion James 20th February, 1945 no1 image Beaumont, California, USA Actor
Mike Leigh 20th February, 1943 no1 image Salford, Greater Manchester, England, UK Director
Phil Esposito 20th February, 1942 no1 image Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada Actor
Buffy Sainte-Marie 20th February, 1941 no1 image Piapot Reserve, Saskatchewan, Canada Singer
Judy Cornwell 20th February, 1940 Hammersmith, London, England, UK Actress
Jimmy Greaves 20th February, 1940 Poplar, London, England, UK Footballer
Richard Beymer 20th February, 1938 Avoca, Iowa, USA Actor
David Ackles 20th February, 1937 Rock Island, Illinois, USA Actor
Roger Penske 20th February, 1937 Shaker Heights, Ohio Racing driver
Larry Hovis 20th February, 1936 Wapato, Washington, USA Actor
Marj Dusay 20th February, 1936 Hays, Kansas, USA Actress
Bobby Unser 20th February, 1934 Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA Racing driver
Amanda Blake 20th February, 1929 Buffalo, New York, USA Actress
Sidney Poitier 20th February, 1927 Miami, Florida, USA Actor
Richard Matheson 20th February, 1926 Allendale, New Jersey, USA Writer
Michael Kirby 20th February, 1925 Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada Actor
Eugen Barbu 20th February, 1924 Bucharest, Romania Writer
Gloria Vanderbilt 20th February, 1924 New York City, New York, USA Actress