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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Raakhee 15th August, 1947 no1 image India Actress
Tony Robinson 15th August, 1946 no1 image London, England, UK Actor
Jimmy Webb 15th August, 1946 no1 image Elk City, Oklahoma, USA Composer
Charlemagne Palestine 15th August, 1945 no1 image Brooklyn, New York, USA Composer
Pat Priest 15th August, 1936 Bountiful, Utah, USA Actress
Mike Henry 15th August, 1936 Los Angeles, California, USA Actor
Abby Dalton 15th August, 1935 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Actress
Jim Dale 15th August, 1935 Rothwell, Northants, England, UK Actor
Bobby Helms 15th August, 1933 Bloomington, Indiana Singer
Jim Lange 15th August, 1933 St. Paul, Minnesota, USA Actor
Don Potter 15th August, 1932 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Actor
George Martin 15th August, 1929 New York, New York, USA Actor
Nicolas Roeg 15th August, 1928 London, England, UK Director
Oscar Peterson 15th August, 1925 Montréal, Québec, Canada Composer
Mike Connors 15th August, 1925 Fresno, California, USA Actor
Rose Maddox 15th August, 1925 Alabama, USA Actress
Robert Bolt 15th August, 1924 Sale, Cheshire, England, UK Writer
Rose Marie 15th August, 1923 New York, New York, USA Actress
Huntz Hall 15th August, 1919 New York, New York, USA Actor
Michael Golden 15th August, 1915 Bray, Ireland Actor