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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
B.S. Johnson 5th February, 1933 London, England, UK Writer
Luc Ferrari 5th February, 1929 Paris, France Composer
Hal Blaine 5th February, 1929 Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA Actor
Tage Danielsson 5th February, 1928 Linköping, Östergötlands län, Sweden Writer
Claude King 5th February, 1923 Keithville, Louisiana, USA Singer
Frank Muir 5th February, 1920 Broadstairs, Kent, England, UK Writer
Red Buttons 5th February, 1919 New York, New York, USA Actor
Tim Holt 5th February, 1918 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA Actor
William S. Burroughs 5th February, 1914 St.Louis, Missouri, USA Actor
Daisy Hilton 5th February, 1908 Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK Actress
Violet Hilton 5th February, 1908 Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK Actress
John Carradine 5th February, 1906 New York, New York, USA Actor
Mazhar Khan 5th February, 1905 Dhar, India Actor
Walter Gross 5th February, 1904 Eberswalde, Germany Actor
Bronislau Kaper 5th February, 1902 Warsaw, Russian Empire (now Poland) Composer
Adlai Stevenson 5th February, 1900 Los Angeles, California, USA Actor
Helen Shipman 5th February, 1899 Pennsylvania, USA Actress
Arthur Raymond Hill 5th February, 1890 Illinois, USA Actor
Frederick Lonsdale 5th February, 1881 St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, UK Writer
Maxine Elliott 5th February, 1868 Rockland, Maine, USA Actress