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You are famously linked to the following people by sharing the same birth date .

Picture link Has Article Name Born No1 Single Place Famous for being....
Penny McLean 4th October, 1948 no1 image Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria Actress
Susan Sarandon 4th October, 1946 no1 image New York City, New York, USA Actress
Clifton Davis 4th October, 1945 no1 image Chicago, Illinois, USA Actor
Janis Joplin 4th October, 1943 no1 image Port Arthur, Texas Singer
John Bindon 4th October, 1943 no1 image London, England, UK Actor
Christopher Stone 4th October, 1942 no1 image Manchester, New Hampshire, USA Actor
Anne Rice 4th October, 1941 no1 image New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Writer
Sten Wahlund 4th October, 1940 no1 image Stockholm, Sweden Actor
Leon Thomas 4th October, 1938 Illinois, USA Composer
Denis Hulme 4th October, 1936 Racing driver
Mircea Albulescu 4th October, 1932 Bucharest, Romania Actor
Anna Reynolds 4th October, 1931 Canterbury, England, UK Actress
James T. Callahan 4th October, 1930 Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA Actor
Eva Pawlik 4th October, 1927 Vienna, Austria Actress
Charlton Heston 4th October, 1924 Evanston, Illinois, USA Actor
Charlie Norman 4th October, 1920 Ludvika, Dalarnas län, Sweden Composer
James R. Webb 4th October, 1910 Denver, Colorado, USA Writer
Leslie Mitchell 4th October, 1905 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Actor
Robert Shayne 4th October, 1900 Yonkers, New York, USA Actor
Buster Keaton 4th October, 1895 Piqua, Kansas, USA Actor