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Famous Like Me > Actress > V > Astrid Varnay

Profile of Astrid Varnay on Famous Like Me

Name: Astrid Varnay  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 25th April 1918
Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Profession: Actress
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Astrid Varnay (born April 25, 1918 in Stockholm, Sweden) is an American soprano.

Her mother Maria Javor was a noted Hungarian coloratura soprano, and her father Alexander, also from Hungary, was a spinto tenor (Javor's acoustic recordings show her to advantage.) Opera was the family business and Varnay, like Claudia Muzio, grew up backstage at the world's opera houses. As an infant in Oslo, Norway (then called Kristiania) where her parents were busy running a new Opera Comique Theater that was founded by Alexander Varnay, she was swaddled in the opera house in the lower drawer of the dressing room table of a young soprano named Kirsten Flagstad.

The family moved to Argentina, then New York where Alexander died at age 35 in 1924, and two years later Javor married tenor Fortunato de Angelis. Varnay had been studying to be a pianist but decided at age eighteen to become a singer and had intensive vocal lessons with her mother. A year later, Flagstad arranged for her to start coaching and preparing roles with Metropolitan Opera staff conductor and coach Hermann Weigert (1890 - 1955). By the age of 22 she knew Hungarian, German, English, French and Italian and her repertoire consisted of fifteen leading dramatic soprano roles, eleven of which were Wagnerian parts.

She made her sensational debut at the Metropolitan Opera on December 6, 1941 at a broadcast performance singing Sieglinde in Wagner's Die Walküre, substituting with no rehearsal whatsoever for an indisposed Lotte Lehmann. Never before had she appeared in a leading role on any stage and her appearance was a triumph. Six days later she replaced an ailing Helen Traubel as Brünhilde in the same opera. Varnay and Weigert became closer and were married in 1944. It was also at this time that she had lessons with former Metropolitan Opera tenor, Paul Althouse.

In 1948 she made her debut at Covent Garden and in 1951 in Florence as Lady Macbeth. In that year she also made her debut at Bayreuth - Flagstad, after declining the invitation to Bayreuth recommended that Wieland Wagner engage Varnay. She sang at Bayreuth for each of the next seventeen years, and appeared regularly at the Metropolitan until 1956. She left when it was clear Met director Rudolf Bing did not appreciate her, and went on to become a mainstay of the world's other great opera houses, especially in Germany, in Wagner and Strauss but also several Verdi and other works. She had already made Munich her home, where audiences considered her a goddess.

In 1969 she gave up her repertoire of heavy dramatic soprano roles after singing them continuously for a longer period than any other soprano, and began a new career singing mezzo roles. After being the world's leading Elektra for over twenty years, she now established herself as a great interpreter of Klytemnestra. The role of Herodias became her most often-performed role: 236 performances. She returned to the Metropolitan in 1974, singing continuously for two seasons, and last appeared there in Weill's Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny in 1979.

In the mid-1980s, character roles now became Ms. Varnay's metier. Her last appearance on stage was in Munich in 1995, fifty-five years after her Metropolitan debut. In 1998 she published her autobiography, fittingly titled "Fifty-Five Years in Five Acts: My Life in Opera," written with Donald Arthur.

In 2004, a documentary about her life and first New York career entitled "Never before" received acclaim in the U.S.A. Her recordings of Strauss heroines such as Elektra and Salome along with the Wagnerian roles are among the treasures of the medium, while transcriptions of broadcast performances of her great roles document her art in sound, and a few video recordings of her late career preserve evidence of her acting ability.

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