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Famous Like Me > Composer > C > Jack Clement

Profile of Jack Clement on Famous Like Me

Name: Jack Clement  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 5th April 1931
Place of Birth: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Profession: Composer
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Jack Henderson Clement (born April 5, 1931 in Memphis, Tennessee) is an American singer, songwriter, and a record and film producer.

Raised and educated in Memphis, Jack Clement was performing at an early age. In 1953 he made his first record for the Sheraton label in Boston, Massachusetts but did not immediately pursue a full time career in music, instead choosing to study at Memphis State University from 1953 to 1955. Nicknamed 'Cowboy' Jack Clement, during his student days he played steel guitar with a local band and in 1956 became part of one of the seminal events in music history when he went to work as a producer and engineer for Sam Phillips at Sun Records. There, Clement worked with future stars such as Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash. But most importantly, he discovered and recorded Jerry Lee Lewis while Sam Phillips was away on a trip to Florida. In 1957, Clement wrote the song "Ballad of a Teenage Queen" that became a crossover hit for Johnny Cash.

In 1959, Clement accepted an offer to work as a producer at RCA in Nashville, then the most important label in the industry. Clement went on to become a significant figure in the Nashville music business, establishing a publishing business, and his own recording studio, making records for stars such as Charley Pride, Ray Stevens. In 1971, he co-founded the J-M-I Record Company.

Jack Clement wrote a number of highly successful songs that have been recorded by singing stars such as Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Ray Charles, Carl Perkins, Bobby Bare, Elvis Presley, Jim Reeves, Jerry Lee Lewis, Cliff Richard, Charley Pride, Tom Jones and Hank Snow. He was inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1973.

Clement was involved in a few film projects as a singer or songwriter on soundtracks and produced the 1975 horror film Dear Dead Delilah that marked the last film performance by actress Agnes Moorehead.

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