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Famous Like Me > Actor > D > Sacha Distel

Profile of Sacha Distel on Famous Like Me

Name: Sacha Distel  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 29th January 1933
Place of Birth: Paris, France
Profession: Actor
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Sacha Distel (January 29, 1933–July 22, 2004) was a French singer who had hits such as 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head' and 'Scoubidou'. He was born in Paris.

At age 16, Distel became a professional jazz guitarist. Over his career he worked alongside Dizzy Gillespie and Tony Bennett and appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show in the late 1950s after establishing himself as a French crooner.

Sacha Distel had a much publicized relationship with actress Brigitte Bardot but in 1963 he married skier Francine Bréaud. He reputedly broke off the relationship with Bardot after discovering her with another man.

In the 1960s, he composed 'La Belle Vie', a tune that made its way across the Atlantic as 'The Good Life', and most famously performed by Tony Bennett. French lyrics were added in the 1970s and it became Distel's signature tune. During the 1960s, he had his own variety show on French television.

During the 1970s, he became popular outside France, and once compèred the Miss World contest in London. In this decade, he spent more time in the UK than in France.

Distel remained reasonably popular in France in the 1980s and 1990s, including a new show named for his song 'La Belle Vie'.

In 2001, Distel had a part as lawyer Billy Flynn in the London production of the musical Chicago. He did have an ambition to make a musical about the life of Maurice Chevalier, but this remained unfulfilled at the time of his death.

Sacha Distel died on July 22, 2004 after a long illness in Rayol-Canadel, south-east France.

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