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Famous Like Me > Actress > H > Susan Howard

Profile of Susan Howard on Famous Like Me

Name: Susan Howard  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 28th January 1944
Place of Birth: Marshall, Texas, USA
Profession: Actress
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Jeri Lynn Mooney (born January 28, 1943), better known as Susan Howard, is an American actress, writer, and political activist; best known for portraying the character Donna Culver Krebbs on the soap opera Dallas, Maggie Petrocelli on the television show Petrocelli, and to Star Trek fans for portraying the first female Klingon. Howard is also a screen writer and member of the Writers Guild of America.

Howard was born and raised in Marshall, Texas where she was recognized for acting talent; wining a UIL award for Best Actress while she was in high school. Upon graduating from Marshall High School, Howard attend the University of Texas for two years before leaving for Los Angeles to join the Los Angeles Repertory Company. She had several guest appearances on major television shows during the 1960s and early 70s including; The Flying Nun (1967), I Dream of Jeannie (1968), Star Trek (1968), Bonanza (1969), and Mission: Impossible (1972).

In 1974 Howard was cast as the co-star in the NBC series Petrochelli. Howard's performance was subsequently nominated for both the Golden Globe and Emmy awards. Despite critical acclaim for Howard, the series was canceled in 1976. Howard would return to guest spots including one on The Love Boat in 1977 and initially a 1978 appearance on Dallas as Donna Krebbs. The producers of the show liked her performance so much that her guest spot was expanded to a nine year stint on the show. In 1988 Howard refused to portray her character as having an affair on the basis of her own religious principles and the show decided to not renew her contract.

After leaving television Howard has become an increasingly active supporter of conservative causes, especially the Second Amendment. She is an active member of the leadership of both the NRA and the Texas Republican Party.

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