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Famous Like Me > Actor > M > Chico Marx

Profile of Chico Marx on Famous Like Me

Name: Chico Marx  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 22nd March 1887
Place of Birth: New York, New York, USA
Profession: Actor
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia
Chico Marx

Leonard Marx, known as Chico, (March 22, 1887 – October 11, 1961) was one of the Marx Brothers.

Originally nicknamed Chicko because in those days women were referred to as chicks and the guys who chased them as chicken chasers, of which he was one. A typesetter accidentally dropped the k in his name and it became Chico, but it was still pronounced as if it were Chicko. Chico developed the "Italian" accent he used to convince some roving bullies that he was Italian, not Jewish. Stereotyped ethnic characters were common with Vaudeville comedians, and all the Marx brothers sometimes performed "dialect characters" early in their careers, but Chico was the only one to continue this.

The obvious fact that he was not really Italian was referenced once on film, in their second feature, Animal Crackers. He recognizes someone he knows to be a shady character, impersonating a respected art collector:

Chico: "How did you get to be Roscoe W. Chandler?"
Chandler: "How did you get to be Italian?"
Chico: "Never mind that - whose confession is this?"

Chico was a talented pianist. As a young boy, he would get jobs playing piano to earn money for the Marx family. Sometimes Chico would even get work playing in two places at the same time. He would acquire the job with his piano playing skills, work for a few nights, and then substitute Harpo on one of the jobs. The two brothers looked so much alike, no one could tell the difference. Harpo however could only play a few tunes on the piano, which often would get both brothers fired.

Groucho Marx one time said that Chico never practiced the pieces he played. Before performances he would soak his fingers in hot water before going on instead. He was known for "shooting" the keys of the piano. As part of the act he would play passages with his thumb up and index finger straight--like a gun.

Chico became manager of the Marx Brothers after their mother Minnie, died. As manager he cut a deal to get the Marx Brothers a percentage of a film's gross receipts - the first of its kind in Hollywood. Furthermore, it was his Hollywood connections that included Irving Thalberg who was convinced to sign the brothers on to MGM when the team was in a career slump after the failure of Duck Soup.

For a while in the 1930s and 1940s Chico led a big band; young Mel Torme began his professional career singing with the Chico Marx Orchestra.

Chico Marx had a lifelong gambling habit, which usually kept him short of funds, and which compelled him to continue in show business long after his brothers had retired in comfort from their Hollywood income. (Groucho continued to host the long-running television show "You Bet Your Life" out of his love of being before an audience rather than any financial need.) The last two Marx brothers movies were made for Chico's benefit; the other brothers twice returned to the screen to bail Chico out of debt. Because of his gambling, the brothers finally took the money as he earned it and put him on an allowance, which he stayed on until he died. He had a reputation as a world-class pinochle player. It is said he would throw away good cards (with the knowledge of spectators) to make the play "more interesting".

He is buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, in Glendale, California.

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