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Famous Like Me > Actress > R > Jane Rossington

Profile of Jane Rossington on Famous Like Me

Name: Jane Rossington  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 5th March 1943
Place of Birth: Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK
Profession: Actress
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Jane Rossington (born March 5, 1943 in Derby) is a British actress, most known for her role as Jill Richardson on the soap opera Crossroads.

Rossington was the only Crossroads original cast member to be in the first episode and last episode of the now classic series. She also returned for the unsuccessful revival of the series.

Jane was born in Derby, and now lives in a Georgian mansion in Staffordshire with her second husband, chartered surveyor David Dunger. Jane was no stranger to television soap when Crossroads started. She had already had a part as Kate Ford, a nurse in the ATV London-based Emergency Ward Ten series. As Jill Richardson, Jane became a household name, and for 24 years she was part of tea-time viewing on ITV.

Jane has had a more peaceful life than her on-screen character, although a failed marriage to ATV director Tim Jones is notably the only time Jane's private life was made public. She has two grown up children, Sorrel and Harry.

Jane has criticized ATV and Central for not giving Crossroads the backing it deserved. "It's only Crossroads." is how the television companies viewed the series. In the early years of Crossroads Jane also used to rush off to the BBC studios in Birmingham to record the radio soap opera, The Archers. She often had to take extended leave to do other programmes and stage work.

People often think than Jane hardly worked after the end of the original Crossroads series in 1988. In fact, much of those 12 years was spent doing stage productions. She also appeared in a couple of episodes of Brookside in 2000, where she played 'cousin Jill' who made her money in the hotel business.

For many Jane Rossington will forever be part of the Crossroads fixtures and fittings along with the telephone and the reception desk. If Noele Gordon is the 'Godmother' of Crossroads, then Jane Rossington is surely the 'first lady' of the series. Living under the shadow of 'Nolly' couldn't have been easy for Jane, however after Noele's departure in 1981, Jane took on the role as Crossroads spokesperson and defender, something she still does to this day. Jane admits she loves the series, and is still very much involved with the programme through her role as patron of the Crossroads Appreciation Society, who she has supported since 1988.

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