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Famous Like Me > Actor > R > Jack Reynolds

Profile of Jack Reynolds on Famous Like Me

Name: Jack Reynolds  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 2nd June 1909
Place of Birth: Canada
Profession: Actor
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Jack Reynolds was a coach of Ajax Amsterdam and inventor of Total Football.

In 1918 the atrocities of the trenches of the Great War were as close as southern Belgium and northern France. Certain foods and goods were rationed in The Netherlands. Meanwhile, Ajax celebrated their first 'over-all' championship of The Netherlands. A second title followed a year later, this time secured without a single defeat. The man largely responsible was the successor to John Kirwan: Jack Reynolds, once again an Englishman. He would be in charge of Ajax for no less than 25 seasons, only interrupted by three years at city rivals Blauw-Wit ('Blue-White') and five years in a German POW camp during World War Two.

Before Jack Reynolds, Ajax was just one of Holland's football teams. After Jack Reynolds, Ajax was the standard-bearer of Dutch football, having won eight national titles and the first Dutch national cup. Reynolds' strict, school teacher-like approach inspired a diligent striker from his squad, who made his debut in the first season of football after World War Two: Rinus Michels, who was to become Ajax's coach twenty years later, in 1965, and lay the foundation for the 'Golden Ajax' team of the early 1970s. Football with wingers

Reynolds' was far ahead of his time, and his well-defined football philosophy provided the foundation for the professional club Ajax was to become. The Ajax philosophy focused on attacking, skill and speed. Football with wingers. Jack Reynolds introduced the typical Ajax style of play that made 'Ajax' synonymous with attacking football. It would continue to define the club long after his death in 1962. The long stand opposite the main stand of new De Meer stadium, which Ajax started playing in 1934 and was situated some two miles farther down Middenweg, was named after him in 1965.

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