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Famous Like Me > Director > M > Vincente Minnelli

Profile of Vincente Minnelli on Famous Like Me

Name: Vincente Minnelli  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 28th February 1903
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Profession: Director
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Vincente Minnelli (February 28, 1903 – January 25, 1986) was the professional name of Lester Anthony Minnelli who was born in Chicago, Illinois, the only surviving child of Mina Le Beau and Vincent Charles Minnelli, musical conductor of Minnelli Brothers' Tent Theater. An accomplished stage director, he was brought to film in the early 1940s by director Arthur Freed, who recruited talent from Broadway, and is considered by critics to be the virtual father of the modern musical.

With his background in theater, Minnelli is known as an auteur who always brought his stage experience to his films. The first movie which he directed, Cabin in the Sky (1943), was visibly influenced by the theater. Shortly after, he directed Meet Me in St. Louis (1944), during which he befriended the film's star Judy Garland. The two then began a courtship which eventually led to their marriage the following year. Their one child together, Liza Minnelli, grew up to become a well known singer and actor.

He directed numerous films, mostly musicals, including An American in Paris (1951), Brigadoon (1954), Kismet, (1955), and Gigi (1958). His last film was A Matter of Time (1976).

Minnelli's critical reputation has known a certain amount of fluctuation, being admired (or dismissed) in America as a "pure stylist" who, in Andrew Sarris' words, "believes more in beauty than in art". His work reached a height of critical attention during the late 50s and early 60s in France with extensive studies in the Cahiers du Cinema magazine, especially in the articles by Douchet and Domarchi, who saw in him a cinematic visionary obsessed with beauty and harmony, and an artist who could give substance to the world of dreams. However, Minnelli's films are today considered some of the finest of the 20th century, being a part of the great era of the M-G-M musical that also included Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen and George Sidney, typically. A celebration of his work and that of many other talents appeared in M-G-M's "That's Entertainment!" series, which showed clips from many of his films.

He died at the age of 82 from Alzheimer's disease, and was interred in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California. He is survived by his British-born wife Lee Anderson Minnelli (born c.1907). His widow sued Minnelli's daughter Liza Minnelli over a controversy relating to Liza Minnelli declining to pay the bills on her Beverly Hills home which Liza Minnelli (allegedly under the influence of her then husband David Gest) wished to sell and then move her stepmother into alternative accommodation, Lee however refused, later appearing to reconsider.

External Links

  • Senses of Cinema: Great Directors Critical Database

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