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Famous Like Me > Actress > S > Maggie Siu

Profile of Maggie Siu on Famous Like Me

Name: Maggie Siu  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 27th February 1965
Place of Birth: Hong Kong, China
Profession: Actress
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Maggie Siu Mei Kei (Chinese: 邵美琪) is a Hong Kong actress. Born on 27 February 1965, Siu is more popular in TV series than in films. In 2003, she was in a movie called PTU, where she acted as a police officer. Her latest movie, Breaking News (in which she had a cameo role) was in 2004.

Siu was once dating Ekin Cheng, and they were together for seven years until Cheng left her for younger singer and actress Gigi Leung in 1999. A lot of Siu's supporters did not like what Cheng had done as they believed that Maggie had sacrificed a lot for him to be successful in his career.

During her time with Ekin, she had slowed down her filming schedule considerably. In 2000, she came back and started filming some supporting roles in movies and TV series. She was no longer a lead as she was in the early 90s, and was relegated to supporting roles or mother roles (at the not-so-old age of mid-30s). Her career has picked up again since then, with parts in big production films and leading roles in TV Series. During the middle of 2005, she emerged as body slimming ambassador with a fit body figure and has gained much publicity, popularity and support.

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