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Famous Like Me > Actor > M > Harry Mason

Profile of Harry Mason on Famous Like Me

Name: Harry Mason  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 21st February 1898
Place of Birth: London, England, UK
Profession: Actor
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Harry Mason is a fictional character and protagonist of the Playstation Video Game Silent Hill.

Mason is a 32 year old novelist. His wife, who still remains unnamed, died a few years before the first game. Right before she died, Mrs. Mason and Harry found a child on the side of the road outside of Silent Hill. They take the child home and name it Cheryl. For the next 7 years, Harry takes care of Cheryl up until the events of the first game. Harry and Cheryl decide to take a vacation to Silent Hill. While Harry is driving towards the town late at night with Cheryl in the back seat, he sees a shadow come across the road he is driving on. He tries to avoid it but loses control of his Jeep vehicle and crashes into a ditch. A few hours later in the morning, he awakens to find Cheryl missing. This is where Silent Hill 1 starts off.

Harry Mason is the archetypal Silent Hill protagonist, and as such he deviates substantially from classic video game protagonists. Harry is clumsy, and it is obvious he has never received training in survival or the use of firearms, a deficit which serves both the realism of the game and the horror it attempts to induce in the player.

Harry's radio and pocket clip flashlight serve as the template for all further Silent Hill protagonists.

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