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Famous Like Me > Actress > R > Cathy Rigby

Profile of Cathy Rigby on Famous Like Me

Name: Cathy Rigby  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 12th December 1952
Place of Birth: Los Alamitos, California, USA
Profession: Actress
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Cathleen Roxanne Rigby (b. Los Alamitos, California, December 12, 1952) is a gymnast, actress and speaker.

Rigby's participation in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, as the highest-scoring US gymnast made her a favorite with US television audiences, and helpted to popularize the sport in the US. She was US National Gymnastic Champion in 1970 and 1972. She also competed on the 1972 US Olympic Gymnastics Team, but was hampered by injury. Her greatest gymnastics accomplishment was winning a silver medal on the balance beam at the 1970 World Championships, being the first American woman to medal in World Gymnastics.

Rigby retired from gymnastics after the 1972 Olympics. She married Tom Mason, a professional football player, had two sons and began acting. In 1974 she appeared as Peter Pan in a touring production. Rigby turned efforts to television working for 18 years as a commentator for ABC Sports and appearing in made-for-television movies.

In 1981 Rigby returned to the stage, starring as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. During that production, Rigby met her second husband, Tom McCoy. She credits McCoy with enabling her to fight bulimia, a disease which she lived with since the end of her gymnastics career. She has two daughters with her second husband. Other theatrical appearances included Annie Get Your Gun and Meet Me In St. Louis. During the 1980s, Rigby also began publicly speaking about her experiences with eating disorders.

The biggest theatrical acclaim was given to Rigby when she was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical, for her 1990–91 performance as Peter Pan. The role of Peter Pan suits Rigby well, she has played that part on Broadway and on tour throughout the 1990s. In 1999 the production of Peter Pan, which Rigby was a member, was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical. In 2004 Rigby received a Distinguished Lifetime Service Award from The League of American Theatres and Producers.

McCoy and Rigby own a theatrical production company called McCoy Rigby Entertainment, that company currently produces a Peter Pan touring show, in which Rigby also stars, the 2005 tour has been billed as Rigby's farewell tour.

External link

  • McCoy Rigby Entertainment

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