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Famous Like Me > Actress > G > Jane Griffiths

Profile of Jane Griffiths on Famous Like Me

Name: Jane Griffiths  
Also Know As:
Date of Birth: 16th October 1929
Place of Birth: Peacehaven, Sussex, England, UK
Profession: Actress
From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Jane Patricia Griffiths (b. 17 April 1954, London) is a United Kingdom politician and linguist. She was Labour Member of Parliament for the Reading East parliamentary constituency until 2005. In 2004 it was announced that her constituency Labour Party had deselected her, and would replace her with local councillor Tony Page. This was the first deselection of a sitting MP in the United Kingdom for ten years. The press reported soon afterwards suggested that she might defect from the Labour Party to the Conservative Party, but she did not.

Four days after the 2005 general election it was revealed that she had been declared bankrupt, owing £29,000 to the Inland Revenue; the situation would have anyway disqualified her from the Commons.

Griffiths, however, failed to appear at her bankruptcy hearing before Reading County Court on Monday 19 September 2005 and a warrant was subsequently issued for her arrest.


Jane Griffiths was born to John and Pat Griffiths. She was educated at the Cedars Grammar School, Leighton Buzzard and St Mary's College, University of Durham. She has a BA in French and Russian. She is married to fellow former councillor Andrew Tattersall and has two children, Martha and Toby.

From 1977 to 1984, Griffiths worked as a linguist at GCHQ, the United Kingdom electronic intelligence operation in Cheltenham. From 1984 until 1997 she worked as a foreign news editor for BBC Monitoring and the BBC World Service in Reading. Besides her native English, she speaks Russian, French, Japanese and Korean.

From 1989 to 1999, Griffiths was a Labour councillor on Reading Borough Council, holding various senior positions. In the general election of 1997, she was elected as member of Parliament for the Reading East parliamentary constituency, a position she retained in the following general election in 2001.

Rat Fancying

A keen rat fancier, Jane owns two rats - Frances and Florence (her previous pets - Vic and Bob - died in February 2005. As an MP, she even dedicated a page on her website about them.

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